Fitness,  Reviews

Chariot Cougar 2

The Chariot Cougar 2 with the strolling kit (two smaller wheels in front)

In April, we bought a used Chariot Cougar 2 (a stroller used for jogging, cycling, skiing, and hiking) off Craigslist for $585 (included a bike attachment). In hindsight, I should’ve negotiated a lower price for a used stroller. Sometimes I’m so nice, I forget to negotiate the price because I think I’m already getting a good deal. I really hope I didn’t overpay for a used stroller but as long as I use it enough, it shouldn’t matter how much I paid. On top of the $585 we spent on the stroller, I had to buy a jogging wheel at MEC for $130. The Chariot Cougar 2 fits two children, or one child and a dog (in my case) which is why I got the Chariot Cougar 2 instead of Chariot Cougar 1. It’s in fairly good condition and I’m excited to use it. Unfortunately for me, my friend Karly has the same one and they only paid $180 for it… she mentioned it’s in rough shape but $180!? What a deal! It’s $800 new and after GST and PST it works out to be $896 excluding the bike and jogging attachment. Add a bike attachment $100 (+GST/PST $112) and jogging wheel $130 (+PST/GST $146), a new stroller would cost $1,154. Calculating everything out, I feel a bit better knowing I paid half the price of a new one.

The Chariot Cougar 2 taking up our walkway entrance in our tiny condominum.

However, this stroller is a bit too large for our 750 sq ft condo. I’m going to have to fold it up every time I go through the door frame and I feel like it’s a bit too wide for sidewalks by our place. My husband, Miles is going to be very disappointed with me if I don’t use this! I thought storing it in the bike locker in our parkade was a good idea except it’s a bit too big and I can’t find a good place on the stroller to put a lock on. I think these strollers were made for people with garages and backyards. In addition to buying a jogging wheel, I had to purchase an infant sling (fits 1-10 months). They retail for $100 new and I bought one off Craigslist for $50 used.

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