All good things usually come to an end
What a bittersweet feeling. I’ve been volunteering with Engineers & Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC), formerly known as Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists British Columbia (APEGBC) since October 2015 and I decided earlier this year that this would be my last year with them. For the last three years, I organized the EIT/GIT Career Seminar: How to Obtain Your P.Eng or P.Geo Designation, also known as Path to Professional Licensure with the EGBC Vancouver Branch. The event I’ve been organizing for months was this evening and it was a success. With a maximum of 100 registrants, we had 96 people register for the event with a handful more registrants at the door.
Event planning is no easy task. Anyone who has planned a large event would hopefully say the same and agree it takes a lot of patience and communication. It’s an amazing feeling to see it all come together in one evening. I would love to continue to volunteer for the branch but I am ready to take a step back from my role as an event coordinator. Last year 2016-2017, I took on the role of secretary which included meeting minutes, communicated with all volunteers interested in the branch, and sent out meeting invitations and reminders. It doesn’t sound like much but I spent a good 15 hours minimum each month on those tasks. Although I enjoyed the role very much, it took physical commitment I was struggling to achieve with no childcare and a husband who works 80-100 hours a week. Now with two children, it makes it a little more challenging. I don’t want to say my children are the reason why I have decided to take a step back from volunteering. They definitely are not the reason and throughout my volunteer experience, I’ve either been pregnant or nursing. So it can be done! I want to shift focus in other areas of my life so here I am.
Thank you to all volunteers who have taken time out of their busy schedules and personal lives to volunteer at the EGBC Vancouver Branch. Those who volunteered at the events I’ve organized, been a speaker and/or helped me out at meetings or any other way— THANK YOU SO MUCH. Most of you reading this know who you are and made my volunteer experience a memorable one.
Night five and last night solo parenting
It’s night five of solo parenting and I am so thrilled to have my partner back home tomorrow. I can’t say it was an easy five nights but taking it one night at a time helped. Here’s a recap of what we did while my husband left the country:
Day 1 (first evening alone):
- Drove to pick up an IKEA Kallax (4 square) unit from someone off craigslist (with screaming kids in the car for a 7 minute drive)
Day 2:
- Attended a NEXUS appointment for our youngest, Sloane who is the only member of the family who doesn’t have her card
- Bought a mini crib (which I am so excited about!)
- Spent the evening setting up the crib in the main room
Day 3:
- Parent participation preschool with Blake (and Sloane)
- During nap time, I managed to move our IKEA Kallax unit (8 square) out of our bedroom and set up a mini crib. If you have me on instagram (@twodegreeslater), you would’ve seen the mini crib fail photo I posted. If you didn’t see it, here it is:
Let me take a step back and talk about Sloane. Some of you must be wondering where she was during nap time if she normally sleeps in our bedroom. While she was nursing, I realized I had collapsed her pack n play (where she normally sleeps). While I had her attached to my boob, I managed to throw a bunch of blankets and towels into the tub with the mattress for the new crib into the bathtub to set up a somewhat safe and quiet environment for her to sleep in. She seemed quite content if you ask me.
Sloane’s set up after I realized I took her bed apart without a backup - Who knew bathtubs were multifunctional? Let’s go back to the mini crib fail. Those edges on the crib that curved out screwed me and I had to take the crib apart to get it through the door. Yes, that’s right, the night before I assembled it. Then the next day I couldn’t shove it through the door frame so I had to dissemble it only to assemble it again in the bedroom. The important part is it was all set up before both kids were awake so I think that’s a mom win there.
- Two words: Sleep training. I’m not really sure why this was such a good idea at the time but I decided since the crib was set up in the bedroom for Sloane, I might as well give sleep training an attempt. Let me say that Sloane is a champ and I want to give it a couple weeks before I comment on any of it.
Day 4:
- Sold a few items thanks to Facebook Marketplace (mama’s gotta make some money, am I right!?)
Day 5:
- Gymnastics
- Grocery shopped (on a Saturday…)
- Attended a birthday party which we made it to after a nap! Sweet success!
I didn’t do a lot of crazy things these five days but I definitely got a lot accomplished with tidying up our home and selling extra items we don’t need around the home.
Here are my tips for solo parenting:
- have zero expectations
- repeat to yourself “you can do it!”
- remember “a shower is a need, not a want” (like I said, these are MY tips…)
- imagine the light at the end of the tunnel. In particular, night time when the kids are sleeping and remember it’s all about you when they’re finally in bed
- ask for help and/or accept help if you have family and friends
Miles, I’m ready for you to come home!
Today was my first out of five days solo parenting and here’s how it went…
Solo parenting isn’t new to me and I do it quite often considering I’m married. My husband works roughly 100 hours a week. He’s gone 12-14 hours during the weekday and if he’s not off on the weekends, he’s either at work or on call. Some days he won’t be home until after the kids are in bed. Even then, it’s not that bad because I usually know he’ll be home at some point.
Not this time. He’s gone for five days. 120 hours. 7200 minutes. 432,000 seconds… okay, you’re right. It’s not that bad at all. I guess I forgot to mention that the tail end of our Easter weekend involved gastroenteritis. Being childless and sick sucks but you get to sleep all you want. Being a parent and sick really sucks because you can’t sleep when you want because there are little people who need you to watch them every minute. You need to count down to nap time and oh wait, with two kids, one will finally be napping and the other one is still awake so you can’t take a snooze.
Let me recap what happened after my husband left this afternoon. Blake was inconsolable after her nap and nothing in the world would make it better— that is until the word “ducks” slipped out of my mouth. Have you seen Love Child love ducks? They’re like crack cocaine for toddlers. I swear every toddler loves them and if you have them at an outing, every toddler will find their way to you. Well, after some bribery, I managed to get Blake, Sloane and Loki out of the home to pick up a piece of IKEA furniture I found on craigslist while the kids were both napping. Yup, you read that right, they were both napping at the same time. Both kids were unhappy with the seven minute drive over to the pick up place and the dog was whining the entire drive because he thought we were going to the dog park.
Dinner was unsuccessful, ducks was the only thing Blake wanted to eat and Sloane wasn’t really interested in anything I offered her. One of my amazing friends, Sophie who lives a couple doors down was picking up pizza for her family and offered to grab us some cheese sticks. Of course we accepted and of course my crazy toddler took a bite and turned it down because she was full from all her ducks. Even though dinner was unsuccessful, I managed to get Blake down for bed (even if it was 20 minutes later than normal) so that’s a win for me! Both kids are sleeping now and I hope it stays that way until the morning. Even though my 8-month-old has not slept through a single night yet, I can keep dreaming about it. Well, one night down, four nights to go.
To the full-time single mom and dads, kudos to all of you because you do this every single day.
On a day like today, I’ll take living in Vancouver over Calgary
I was born and raised in Calgary, AB and there are days where I really miss home. Mainly because of the mountains, our family, friends and the affordability of owning a large home. A home in Vancouver would start at a million dollars and that would be for a crack shack. If you want to know what I mean by “crack shack”, here’s a little game called Crack Shack or Mansion. You’ll get a better idea after you play it.
If you’re unfamiliar with Calgary weather, there’s sun, chinooks, a lot of snow and it gets cold! I love the snow and I don’t mind the cold (less bugs!) but this week made me realize that I’m not ready to move back any time soon (or at all). Calgary was under a winter storm warning forecasting 25cm to 35cm of snow. As I’m scrolling through my Facebook News Feed, everyone in Calgary is posting photos of all the snow Calgary is getting (great for the mountains). In the north, the LRT C-Train was down and passengers would have to get off at the train station and bus downtown to work. Many of my friends were hibernating inside to avoid the snowy roads and I’m over here in 10°C weather going for a walk. Don’t worry Calgary, we definitely get our grey skies and pouring rain over here. If we’re lucky, we’ll get a little piece of sunlight. Today, I’ll enjoy myself in the warm and dry (believe it or not) weather.
The wet adventures of 2017
My last post was over a year ago and I’m a bit ashamed of myself for that. First of all, we welcomed our baby girl, Sloane on July 25, 2017! The year 2017 was definitely the craziest year and here’s a summary of what happened:
* We spontaneously decided to renovate our bathroom and kitchen. Renovations for our bathroom started in early March and lasted 3 weeks. A few days later, the kitchen renovation started which was completed at the end of May. It was quite difficult living in our 750 sq ft, one floor condo but it looks amazing now and we were able to maximize spaces for storage.
* Thursday, July 20, 2017 was a game changer. A burst pipe in the suite upstairs flooded the owner’s condo unit including ours and damaged the ceiling and bathroom in the suite below us. Being 38 weeks pregnant with no place to move to until Sunday night, we had to stay in our condo for the weekend with 4 dehumidifiers and fans blowing at all hours of the day and night. It was loud, 40°C hot and we had to sleep out on our patio for a couple nights, it was sweat drenching hot. We were going to be out of our home for 2-3 months or longer— packing for summer, fall, a new baby, toddler, dog, and ourselves was no easy task.
* We moved out of our home and the next day, baby girl Sloane was born! (What timing right?)
* From the end of July until the end of September, we moved 3 times. Long story short (will include the details in another post when I decide to write it up), a few days after moving back home, an unresolved leak showed up in the bathroom and a portion of our bathroom ceiling was ripped out to repair the leak. There was a large hole in our bathroom ceiling for over a month.
* Two weeks after our bathroom ceiling was repaired, I walked past our kitchen when I heard a drip noise in the walls. To my horror, there was brown water coming from our outlet and soaking everything in its path on the counter. The dishwasher in the suite above had a leak and all the yummy dirty water from the dishwasher was coming out of our wall.
* For Christmas, we went back to Calgary and Canmore where we packed/unpacked 5 times in the couple weeks we were there. We didn’t have one place to stay for the entire trip which resulted in multiple packs.A few things:
* We are glad to be home
* We highly recommend home insurance because we would’ve been so screwed if we didn’t have full coverage
* This has helped my journey in minimalism
* We are staying home for Christmas next year
* No matter where we lived, we had each other and that is the most important part of everything -
2017… What do they say? New Year, New Me?
Currently, there are nine posts sitting in my drafts and I haven’t completed any of them to post. It seems silly to spend so much time writing these posts for them to sit in my drafts. I haven’t written in my blog for over two months for a few reasons:
- Sleep. Oh how I love sleep! I’ve been so exhausted after Blake’s bedtime I crumble and jump into bed immediately after she falls asleep.
- Discouraged. I’ll admit it, there are all these great mom bloggers I’m comparing myself to out there. Doesn’t it seem like everyone is doing it? We all do it for our own reasons but mine is probably so boring compared to theirs zzzzzzzzzz. Why am I even comparing?
- Pregnant. Surprise! I’m pregnant again! You’ll only know if you read my blog! Your first trimester is the worst and I am extremely “lucky” to experience nausea throughout my whole pregnancy. You’re constantly tired, sick with nausea, exhausted, the smell of food either causes your mouth to salivate or make your stomach turn, and you’re constantly eating. Did I miss anything? Basically the last three months of my life right there.
- #Laptopproblems. My husband and I have been sharing his laptop for the last two years. My wonderful 2011 Apple MacBook Pro is super slow. For those who are old enough to remember the rise of the internet, picture yourself in 1998, waiting for your internet browser to load… “Mom! Don’t pick up the phone! I’m using the internet!!!” because we know the second someone picks up the phone, you’ll be disconnected from the internet and you’ll have to dial-up and try again. That’s my 2011 MacBook Pro, it’s on the “To be dealt with” list.
- Texting & Facebook. Must. Stop. Texting. So. Much! It seems the second we put Blake to bed, I’m in bed myself on my phone texting or browsing Facebook. Two hours later I’m still on my phone. It’s a problem and it needs to end!
I’m not going to bore anyone with New Years resolutions because I don’t really believe in making them. “Starting January 1st, I’m going to…” yeah, no, not me. I’ll have goals for the year of 2017 but that’s as good as it gets. However! I am going to Apple to get my MacBook Pro looked at this weekend and if all goes well, I will be posting more often on my blog and posting things without saving it to my drafts. How’s that for “New Year, New Me?”
Mount Rainer
A picturesque view of Mount Rainer on our flight from Vancouver to Palm Springs. Thanks WestJet for the flight! My baby enjoyed it just as much as I did.
Halloween candy is on sale!
It’s one of my favourite days of the year! 50% off Halloween candy day! Another great thing about Halloween is Jimmy Kimmel’s I told My Kids I Ate Their Halloween Candy prank. I love November 1st!
Always use a Paper Towel
I take my dog, Loki to the park almost daily. We own an UppaBaby Cruz stroller which isn’t exactly a stroller you should be off-roading with or using on the bumpy park grass. For a few days, the rain was on and off. Walking from home to the park and back, the front wheels collected a clump of leaves. The first time it happened, the leaves clumped and fell off the wheel no problem. The second time, Miles picked off the leaves. The third time, I used my fingers and picked off the leaves— Except it wasn’t only leaves, it was dog shit with leaves stuck to it. It happened so fast a photo never happened. Next time I see leaves on the stroller wheels, I’m using a paper towel.
Two Degrees Later
Most of my friends know me as the “Van Wilder” of their friends— the person who attended post secondary for a decade. If you haven’t seen Van Wilder, I suggest watching it. Although I DID attend school for a number of years, I eventually graduated in 2014 with a BSc. in Geology and BSc. in Geography. Two degrees later… I am a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM) to my baby, puppy and husband in Vancouver, British Columbia. My friends find it hilarious after all these years in school, I ended up as a SAHM. Here I am, two degrees later blogging my life adventures away.