
2017… What do they say? New Year, New Me?

Currently, there are nine posts sitting in my drafts and I haven’t completed any of them to post. It seems silly to spend so much time writing these posts for them to sit in my drafts. I haven’t written in my blog for over two months for a few reasons:


  1. Sleep. Oh how I love sleep! I’ve been so exhausted after Blake’s bedtime I crumble and jump into bed immediately after she falls asleep.
  2. Discouraged. I’ll admit it, there are all these great mom bloggers I’m comparing myself to out there. Doesn’t it seem like everyone is doing it? We all do it for our own reasons but mine is probably so boring compared to theirs zzzzzzzzzz. Why am I even comparing?
  3. Pregnant. Surprise! I’m pregnant again! You’ll only know if you read my blog! Your first trimester is the worst and I am extremely “lucky” to experience nausea throughout my whole pregnancy. You’re constantly tired, sick with nausea, exhausted, the smell of food either causes your mouth to salivate or make your stomach turn, and you’re constantly eating. Did I miss anything? Basically the last three months of my life right there.
  4. #Laptopproblems. My husband and I have been sharing his laptop for the last two years. My wonderful 2011 Apple MacBook Pro is super slow. For those who are old enough to remember the rise of the internet, picture yourself in 1998, waiting for your internet browser to load… “Mom! Don’t pick up the phone! I’m using the internet!!!” because we know the second someone picks up the phone, you’ll be disconnected from the internet and you’ll have to dial-up and try again. That’s my 2011 MacBook Pro, it’s on the “To be dealt with” list.
  5. Texting & Facebook. Must. Stop. Texting. So. Much! It seems the second we put Blake to bed, I’m in bed myself on my phone texting or browsing Facebook. Two hours later I’m still on my phone. It’s a problem and it needs to end!


I’m not going to bore anyone with New Years resolutions because I don’t really believe in making them. “Starting January 1st, I’m going to…” yeah, no, not me. I’ll have goals for the year of 2017 but that’s as good as it gets. However! I am going to Apple to get my MacBook Pro looked at this weekend and if all goes well, I will be posting more often on my blog and posting things without saving it to my drafts. How’s that for “New Year, New Me?”


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